I am Larry Arlo Vance, son of Gatha Bingham Vance and Donald Arlo Vance. I grew up in Manassa Colorado. I lived with my parents across the street from Elma and Boyd Pagett. Elma is my mother's aunt. Gatha's mother is Elma's sister.
As I grew up in Manassa our family had the occasion to interact with several of the sibblings from the Simeon Dunn family. I suspect that some of them will outlive much of the 2nd and 3rd generations. I am grateful for the help that my family received from the Dunn family. They were always there to help us.
I remember that one day when I was in my younger years (single digits) and had received a bow and arrow as a gift. I shot my arrow up on the roof of the house. I went up onto the roof to retrieve my arrow by going up through the attic onto the roof. I retrieved the arrow and by the time I had descended back to the ground through the hatch into the attic my mother was waiting for me. She told me she found out I was on the roof from Elma.
We grew up among them, and I really have learned to love them. Elma was the closest to us physically. She was always encouraging and kind. I used to hang her Christmas lights for her.
Edgar was my home teaching companion when I was in high school. I enjoyed being with him. He loved to brag about his children and their children.
Francis was our favorite relative in Colorado Springs. No matter what was happening in her life, she was positive and funny.
Ethel and Don moved back to Manassa in their later years. I don't remember a lot about Aunt Ethel except that she was quiet. She looked a lot like I remember Grandma Dunn.
Ruth was so kind to us. She was always bringing clothes or gifts to us from Alamosa. Sometimes I was not as grateful as I should have been.
Hazel's laugh was infectious to me. I love to hear her tell stories about dancing in Capulin and pouring the cheap perfume to cover the smell of the sweat from dancing.
Doris and Verden moved into Grandma and Grandpa Dunn's home in Manassa. I spent a lot of time there because Mary Lyne and I were such good friends. I don't remember Doris ever getting upset about anything.
Loyd and his family moved to California when we were little. I loved it when he came to visit.
Rex was the educator. I thought he was really special. I enjoyed teaching and always loved to hear him talk about his work.
Ina really became a part of our lives in a big way when Mom moved to Saint George and when Bonnie became so close to her. I'll never forget how Ina would invite us out to eat and would forget her purse at home. There was one time that I was particularly grateful for Ina. I was being unkind to my Mother and Ina calmly taught me to honor my parents. It was a valuable lesson.
My life has been richer and fuller because of each of them.
My Aunts and uncles were a great blessing in my life. So were Grandma and Grandpa. When both of our parents died We were left without a home to go to. When Daddy died, he said where each one of the four children that were at home were told where they would be. Leon went with Aunt may and Uncle Charley. Barbara went with Ethel and Don. LaRue went with Grandma and Grandpa. Doris faye came to live with Arlo and me. Eventually all of them went back with Grandma and Grandpa Dunn. Our aunts and uncles were a great blessing to us.
Who is Aunt May and Uncle Charlie?
It's May and Charlie Schofield. That was some of Grandpa Bingham's family, but that's all I know about them.
I vaguely remember going to Aunt Mae's house with my mother. Kelly Schofield was associated with KGIW in Alamosa.
What exactly was the relationship between Mae and us?
I think Aunt Mae was dead before you and I were born. You are probably remembering Aunt Jennie Schofield. She was Kelly Schofield's mother. She lived in Manassa. I loved talking to her. She is one of the first that helped me get enthused about genealogy.
You are right, it was Jennie Schofield that I remembered.
Aunt May is My Dad's sister. She married Charley Schofield. They lived across the street from Grandma Dunn when I was small. Probably that is why Mom and Dad got together. He would visit Aunt May and Mom lived in Grandma and Grandpa Dunn's house across the street. Later Aunt May moved to Farmington New Mexico. Winona Hutchins is Aunt May's daughter.
Is there some sort of connection between Farmington and the valley?
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