Thursday, May 22, 2008

Hypnotizing a chicken

Grandpa and grandma Dunn had a chicken yard. The chickens would run around, scratch, and eat in the yard. I had a boy tell me that a chicken could be hypnotized. I doubted him. He proved it.

It is quite simple.
  1. Catch a chicken
  2. Hold the chicken with the wings tucked against the body
  3. Place the chickens head on the ground with the beak on the ground and the eyes looking straight ahead
  4. Start at the beak and draw a deep line in the dirt straight from the beak away from the chicken with a stick
  5. Slowly move the stick away
  6. Slowly release the chicken
It will stay there frozen and not move. I was amazed. In a few moments or after a sudden noise or movement the chicken would dart away.


Kent said...

I'd try it, but we don't have any chickens.

Larry said...

I didn't believe it until I saw it.